About Drake and Ginger
We love changing lives
After hours of endurance training and racing, we found that the safest, the quickest and the most reliable route to fitness and optimal health is using the CrossFit methodology. We are very passionate about assisting others through their own personal CrossFit journey and empowering them through a paradigm shift in outlook.
CrossFit is effective through its emphasis on functional movements, which are exercises that mimic daily life activities and engage multiple joints and muscle groups simultaneously. These movements are designed to improve Cardiovascular/Respiratory Endurance, Stamina, Strength, Flexibility, Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility, Balance and Accuracy, preparing individuals for everyday activities and athletic pursuits. CrossFit also focuses on dietary nutrient quality. We avoid ultra-processed foods, industrial seed oils and sugar, and as a result get increased energy to expend in our workouts and use as desired in our daily lives.
We spent 20 years overseas living in Italy and Germany. Drake opened Landstuhl Regional Medical Center's first CrossFit Box as a non-profit in 2009. We were selected to open one of the few international Reebok CrossFit affiliates in Nürnberg Germany, which we ran for 10 years starting in 2012 (many blog posts on this site are from that era). We would like to share what we've learned about fitness with South Dakota and the USA.
Our primary goals are to help people once again experience enjoyment and goal attainment in fitness training. Gaining strength and power starts with where you are right now.. Be warned: CrossFit is definitely not just a workout – it is a way of life.
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