In a sea of chronic disease, we are a life boat.
CrossFit Battle Mountain
Home of Battle Mountain MetFix
Get strong, lose fat
Hard times don't last. Strong people do. #DontWeaken
Fun fitness
Including & especially for people who can't remember the last time working out was fun.
Find your tribe
Some of the coolest people you will ever meet in your life attend our classes. #grateful
Professional coaches
Our trainers are World-Class CrossFit trainers with international experience developing athletes of all skill levels and abilities..
Progress guaranteed
A lot of success stories and over a decade of experience give us the highest confidence in your satisfaction.
Nutrition challenges
Avoid dreaded diseases of modern civilization while optimizing your body composition here.
"The coaching was amazing. Every WOD, every movement, every stretch was done under their watchful eyes. And they would not hesitate to correct you in whatever way they thought you needed to be corrected. Get your shoulders back; lock your core; or my favorite, Drake's "pick that @$%! up and keep moving Trevor". The mix of encouragement and competition was the kick in the ass I needed. I had finally found the motivation and inspiration to become fit. Words like WOD, AMRAP, SDHP, T2B and RFT all became part of my regular vocabulary. I started idealizing people like Froning and Spealler and had school boy crushes on girls like Camille and Perez. I was drinking the CrossFit cult Kool-Aid like no other. Paleo Kool-Aid of course. What really made this something worth buying into were the people at RCFN. The friends I made there changed my life. They not only became the close friends I didn't have yet in Germany, but they became an extended family...The only regret I have is that I didn't find RCFN earlier. Unfortunately, by the time I found RCFN I had already reached my tipping point, deciding it was time for me to head back to Canada. Perhaps if I had found the RCFN family on day one I would still be there.."
"To do it together with a whole bunch of people, all like-minded, to share recipes, get inspired, to eat together…..that made all the difference. Before people around me made me feel rather like the odd crazy person who decided to not eat bread and pasta anymore….and to eat avocado, nuts, eggs, steak and fat instead, and disregard calorie counting to boot!! Especially that last bit always seemed to annoy people enormously…"you can't just eat fat and expect to lose weight…."
Yes, I can and I do! And now I am part of this great community and they are all just as loony as I am ☺ So thank you RCFN, thank you Ginger, for providing us with this opportunity, that vast amount of information and the necessary support! For me the challenge is not over, I will just keep on going. Maybe not call it challenge anymore but my way of life, the best nutrition there is, my energy booster… ☺..."
"The workout every morning has become a crucial motor in my life. I could easily write an essay about that. I will spare you another couple of pages though. Instead I would like to thank you, Ginger Sladky, for doing this in your free time. The spirit you brought to this project is one of a kind. I can see the many hours it takes and many thoughts that go into trying to change the way people think about something. I would like you to read my story about my personal struggle against the muffin top (so funny that you used that word btw) as your succeeding to change the way I think about food. I hope that it motivates you that there are a lot of ears which aren't deaf. Since I said a lot about my last year with Crossfit I would like to close my report of the challenge with some words about our box. Thank you Drake Sladky and Daniel Voros and of course all the other coaches for the way you shape Crossfit, for the way you convey your expertise and for the constant and consistent challenging of each and every one of us. It's a beautiful place you people have created. ."
"Now I know how good my body is designed to feel and I can't believe that there are people out there not even willing to try this way of life for 30 days! I mean what are 30 days compared to the rest of your life, right? I wish I had found this way of life a lot earlier. I am so grateful to you Ginger and to the whole RCFN-family for their support and I have to admit I really miss those daily posts! So, [everybody] what are you waiting for?"