Teaching kids that Nutrition is important for fuel
Our goal with kids isn't to get them on "The Zone" or eat 100% "Paleo", but instead to get them to think and make good choices about what they eat. Our goal is to teach them very basic concepts; sugar is bad. Protein is good and you need to eat some in every meal. Coconut, avocados, olives, nuts and seeds contain good fats and nutrients. Ultraprocessed pasta, bread and rice are not nutrient-rich sources of food and you can thrive without them. Animal foods and stuff found in the fruit and vegetable aisle are good for you. Eat a lot of them.
Look at your plate, make a fist, eat that much meat every meal; turn your hand over and fill your palm with good fat, and then fill the rest of your plate with stuff you found in the fruit and vegetable aisle. Fill your plate this way at every meal; if the nutrient-density of your food is optimal, you won't want any more.
(Information courtesy of CrossFit Kids Certificate Course)
Train Your Brain
Following each CrossFit Kids class, we encourage independent study/read time since it is well-documented that kids experience optimum learning potential during this period directly following exercise.